How we met....

It was July of 2008, I was hanging out with my friend Pam, having a fun night with a few drinks. Ryan was also a friend of Pam's and stopped by to drop off beer. During his stop, us girls were having a little too much fun and decided to take pictures. I was bumped (which Ryan still holds that it was purposly) into the passenger side view mirror. Ryan freaked out that his Beloved Camaro's side mirror was almost taken off by this slightly intoxicated girl. We were actually rude to each other that first night. He yelled at me for the car, I gave him attitude. Later that night we found a mutual love of Jeff Dunham and Ackmed during playing of youtube comedy videos.

Later Ryan would interrogate Pam regarding the "story" of Erin. Pam would questioned me on my interest in Ryan. The rest is history.

The Proposal....

It so did not go how Ryan originally planned. He learned the hard way on how I can interrogate answers.

So it was a Sunday in July 2010. A mere 2 days before my best friend Sarrie from UK came for a 3 week holiday. I had fallen asleep on a couch and woke hours later to find there was no Ryan in the house. I proceeded to call him and I recieved no answer, for a few hours until he got home. I was less then thrilled. I interrogated him, asking where he was, which he in turn had to make up lies to cover his tracks. He started digging a very, very deep hole and the story didn't mesh well with the previous sentences. So yeah, a fight broke out between us....all my doing.

Monday morning I went to work, still very much steaming and analyzing his statements from the previous night. I spoke to Sarrie via email and she said, "Do you think maybe he bought you a ring." I told her no way.

At home, I was chatting with Sarrie on aim, keeping her awake for her flight and I would be getting her the next day at noon. Ryan came home from work, and I gave him glares and the cold shoulder. He strolled over to me and told me he was sorry about the fight and that everything he said the night before was a lie. Ryan went to go down on his knee, I was like WHAT! and jumped up from the chair, not realizing he was opening the ring box, making him fumble it. He popped back up and asked me to marry him. I saw the ring, heard our fight was based on a lie (a bad one at that), so I smacked him. I only remember once, but he claims more. I was in complete freaked out shock I was running around the apartment yelling "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" over and over again. My daughter comes running out and asks what is going on, Ryan tells her and I get asked. "Well, what did you say?"  At that moment, I realized, I never gave Ryan an answer. I then said a yes.